Whanganui Bay
Safety at the Bay. . .
We visit our whenua, tipuna and whanau to enjoy those special moments. However, sometimes accidents and issues may arise. To ensure everyone; you and your whanau enjoy your time safely in the Bay, the following tikanga applies:
No FIREWORKS . . . Our whenua, our whanau and property are at RISK.
No OPEN FIRES . . . Contain fires and beach fires i.e. drum, circle of rocks, iron. MINIMISE the fire from spreading, and PROTECT whanau, particularly children from walking into the embers.
DOUSE OUT fires completely, before leaving unattended.
REMOVE RUBBISH . . . Our whenua is not a dump, what you bring in must go OUT with you. Use YELLOW COUNCIL BAGS only, tied and left up at top gate for council collection on Monday mornings.
POOR BEHAVIOUR . . . BE RESPONSIBLE for yourself and your own whanau. Stamp out any poor behavior.
ALCOHOL . . . is fine, but please watch out for excessive drinking and the behavior that may come with it.
EXERCISE YOUR RIGHTS! . . . Any breaking of the law i.e. Violence, theft, drugs, you have rights to be in a safe environment and report an incident to the correct authority; Police, Ambulance, Fire brigade.
BE CONSIDERATE . . . of your neighbors i.e. keep music volume down after midnight.
EMERGENCY . . . Helicopter may need to land on flat. Keep site clear!
NO SPEEDING . . . SLOW DOWN and think about others safety; our tamariki and kaumatua in particular.
Have a safe and enjoyable time in our Bay.
Ngaa mihi whanau,
Whanganui Bay Trustees