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Whanganui Bay
Whakakonae - Your Documents
The Charter - The purpose of this charter is to provide relevant foundation polices for the governance of the WBMRT. It is expected that this charter will be the single charter for the total reservation including the marae, urupa, meeting place and remainder of the partitioned whenua and wai, as stipulated on the gazette notice 1985.
Strategic Plan - This document is the trustee strategic document, it sets the vision of our hapu over a longer period of time 10-20 years. The trustees will change over this time and having a key plan helps the continued mahi that needs to achieve our aspiration as a people.
WBMT Gazette - The Trust Deed are the 1969 and 1985 Gazette Notices - that's how things were done in those days.
Register with the Bay Trust- register as a hapū member so the Trust has your contact details. This form also need for any applications for activities or occupancy.
Panui Documents
Check out the hard mahi you and the trustees have put in to support the Hapu vision - balance to our wairua! Click on the icon to open.
2016 Panui
2017 Panui
"Ahakoa he iti he pounamu"
Although it is small, it is a greenstone
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